In compliance with the new General Data Protection Regulations, we would like to ensure that you still wish to hear from us. This email constitutes us offering you a 'soft opt in' option. The 'soft opt in' is a legal option for a small organisation such as ourselves to keep our mailing list intact whilst complying with the new GDPR legislation.
We look forward to sharing news and updates with you, so if you would like to continue to receive our infrequent emails, your opt-in is simply to do nothing, which will allow us to continue to send out emails to you.
If you should decide now, or at any later date, that you do not wish to receive our emails, click unsubscribe.
As a subscriber to our emails, your privacy is important to us. We can reassure you that:
- We do not sell or share our database with any other organisations.
- Your email address will be used for information and promotional emails only.